Ragtime Summary Arakin

  четверг 25 октября

Ragtime chronicles the lives of three families: a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) family (composed of the narrator when he is a young boy, Mother, Father, Mother’s Younger Brother, and Grandfather); a black family (Sarah, Coalhouse Walker, Jr., and their illegitimate infant); and an immigrant family (Tateh, Mameh, and The Little Girl).

He satirized things that he hated. Munro is best known for his humorous and very interesting short stories. He often used black humour language in his stories.

It is a form of humor that regards human suffering as absurd rather than pitiable, or that considers human existence as ironic and pointless but somehow comic. He used it in order to deride the human vices and to show inefficiency of actions of moralistic, hypocritical persons.

Munro was killed on the French front during the First World War. Room is Aunt Augusta to the life. The text tells us a story about a small boy Nicholas, who was brought up by his tyrannical and ungoverned aunt Augusta.

He was 'in disgrace' as he had refused to eat his wholesome bread-and-milk that morning. When children were taken to Jagborough sands Nicholas made some attempts to get into the gooseberry garden.

As a matter of fact, he had no intention of trying to get into the gooseberry garden, but it was extremely convenient for him th at his aunt should believe that he had unsympathetic. Vse filjmi s dzhejsonom stethemom spisok 1. Soon his aunt tried to look for the boy and slipped into the rain-water tank. She asked Nicholas to fetch a ladder but the boy pretended not to understand her, he said that she was the Evil One. After this accident they both kept silent and everyone has been shipped in their thoughts. The theme of the text is about relationship between two generations: a little boy Nickolas and his aunt. The gradation, when Nicholas got into an unknown land of lumber-room.

Forbidden fruit is sweet and truly the lumber-room is described as a storehouse of unimagined treasure. Every single item brings life and imagination to Nicholas and is symbolic of what the adult of real world lacks. He often pictured to himself what the lumber-room was like, since that was the region that was so carefully sealed from youthful eyes. The tapestry brings to life imagination and fantasy within Nicholas, the interesting pots and candlesticks bring an aesthetic quality, visual beauty which stirs up his creative mind; and lastly a large square book full of coloured pictures of birds.

And such birds! They allow Nicholas to learn in a fun and exciting way.

The narrative is revealed exclusively through the eyes of Nicholas. This allows the reader to access the situation and the characters in an objective manner so the characters are complex, having both positive and negative viewpoints. The vocabulary is employed by the author in keeping with the subject-matter. So he frequent uses a) military terms, b) religious words. The author used to a lot of stylistic devices in order to show inner world of main characters.

In the story the Aunt is represented as self-righteous and strict person. She always is right. This can be proved by the.

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Doctorow ragtime summary

•.:: - -; -; -; -; -, /; -,;.::;,;,;:;;;,,;;:;;;:;.,.: I II,. Ontent Week/ Hours 6 scores Module4 1 6 Unit 4. Module 4.Brining up children Speech patterns p.107, (Arakin V.D.) Text The Fun They Had Verb and adverb combinations for movement(p.30) 2 3 Cutting Edge- Are you a risk-taker?( Module 3) The gentle Touch- expressing two different points of view 3 3 Role-playing, p. 133 Youth clubs-views on the problems p. 135 Solutions: Ways of teaching children 4 3 Unit 5.Speech patterns p.137-140, ex.1-6 (Arakin V.D.) Essential Voc-ry, word combinations and phrases p.145-148 (Arakin V.D) Unit 5. Gerund and its structure Modal verbs Participle I, Participle II 5 3 Text Art for hearts sake (by R.Goldberg) p.140, ex.11 p. 151 (Arakin V.D) Complex sentence 6 3 Role-playing The thing they need ex.