Fokusi Figasebe Torrent
You’re all degenerates for watching this, btw. Date A Live III, presented to you by Kantai-Subs. We had some extra momentum after finishing Liz, and a TL interested in working on this, so here we are! This will be an original translation, and we’ll hopefully pick up the pace in coming weeks. A big thank you to KazuyaShuu for coming on board to TS!
Aug 24, 2017 - http://vfr3.xsl.pt/page/fokusi-s-figasebe-skachat/. Date A Live III, presented to you by Kantai-Subs. [Torrent][Magnet] Date A Live III: Episode 02. Date A Live III, presented to you by Kantai-Subs. I’ve practically had the OP stuck in my head from the moment I heard it last week. Thanks to Colgatto for getting the songs all styled.
Penyimpanan dan pengendalian darah yang didermakan 2. By: miecaprio You're now about to leave Blogged.my to an external website. We are not responsible for the content of external websites. We do not produce them or maintain/update them; we cannot change them and the content can be changed without our knowledge or agreement.
From the TLC: Date A Live, a show that has always been on my radar ever since the first season. Quite the guilty pleasure of mine, I will quite enjoy working on this and I hope you’ll join us! [] [] There is a minor issue regarding the alternate style in this release. Please use the following patch file to fix this issue: [] •. Liz and the Blue Bird, presented to you by Kantai-Subs with the help of some friends. Though the plan to do this was on a whim, here we are at release.

We may be a bit later than the other releases around, but I hope that some of you are still around to see the time and care we’ve put into this. It’s a truly beautiful film, and was a joy to work on. Also a big thanks to Cickany and Colgatto for answering my call for aid to get this out! We now have a discord! Come join us. Further credits where they’re due: Translation: Hikaru Timing: Yogicat Edit: Lann094 Translation Check: o0oo TS: Cickany Encode: Bobez KFX: Colgatto QC: cruelnoise [] [] •. Liz and the Blue Bird (hopefully) soon to be presented to you by Kantai-Subs.
Our translator and I threw this together as a sort of announcement of our intentions. I don’t expect to see BDs until the end of the year, but do look forward to it! And some words from aforementioned translator I never thought I would see anything from this franchise beyond S2, and it’s a pleasant surprise.
I hope from the bottom of my heart that we can do this film and make it amazing. To those of you still here, thank you.